7 Quotes by Ramana Maharshi about inspiration
- Author Ramana Maharshi
See who is in the subject. The investigation leads you to pure consciousness beyond the subject.
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- Author Ramana Maharshi
From where does this "I" arise? Seek for it within; it then vanishes. This is the pursuit of wisdom. When the mind unceasingly investigates its own nature, it transpires that there is no such thing as mind. This is the direct path for all. The mind is merely thoughts. Of all thoughts the thought "I" is the root.
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- Author Ramana Maharshi
Whenever a thought arises, instead of trying even a little either to follow it up or to fulfil it, it would be better to first enquire, "To whom did this thought arise?"
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- Author Ramana Maharshi
The state we call realization is simply being oneself, not knowing anything or becoming anything.
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- Author Ramana Maharshi
Realisation is nothing new to be acquired. It is already there, but obstructed by a screen of thoughts. All our attempts are directed to lifting this screen and then realisation is revealed.
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- Author Ramana Maharshi
Keep the remembrance of your real nature alive, even while working, and avoid haste which causes you to forget. Be deliberate. Practice meditation to still the mind and cause it to become aware of its true relationship to the Self which supports it. Do not imagine that it is you who are doing the work. Think that is the underlying current which is doing it. Identify yourself with the current.
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- Author Ramana Maharshi
The main factor in meditation is to keep the mind active in its own pursuit without taking in external impressions or thinking of other matters.
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