75 Quotes by Raphael Zernoff about wisdom
"Any tiniest feeling, which fills you with peace and joy can grow to the size of a mountain, when you act on it with no expectation, where and how it must take you. Enjoy the moment of harmony and know that you can trust your Self."
"Allow yourself to be alive every single day of your life."
"People look for peaceful solutions for the world troubled by conflict. A peaceful solution can only come from a peaceful heart. Be the peaceful solution you seek."
"We look for our perfect partners, and we wish we can be accepted the way we are. We seek unconditional love. It is all beautiful. While doing it we can always remember that we need to accept ourselves unconditionally, as much as we wish others to accept as with no conditions."
"What you see as not neededWill return until you see that it needs to be.What you accept as neededNeeds not to remain unless you enjoy it to be."
"Expect everything to happen for your benefit yet do not insist on how it must be experienced. Allow yourselves to be surprised. Remember that what you expect with your physical mind is the least you can be offered by your all-knowing-Self."
"The new expanded spirituality is all inclusive. It is inclusive, because it comes from unconditional love. In the concept of unconditional love there is no exclusion. Everything and everyone is seen as a part of oneself.It is a beautiful spirituality as the one who lives by its principles cannot by definition be a part of any conflict."
"Life Works in a Very Simple Way. Resist it less and allow it unfold the way it wants. Use your power of allowing."
"Although others can devalue who we are and what we do it is entirely up to us, whether we accept or reject it. Whenever we disagree with the offered opinion we can thank for it and then move on. There is no need to prove at all that we have a different perception of ourselves from what we are being offered."
"You do not have to be so serious about everything and everyone. Trust yourself. Trust your own guidance and do not take everyone's 'interesting opinions' so personally."