27 Quotes by Richelle E. Goodrich about Hardships
- Author Richelle E. Goodrich
Life is as hard as you are determined to make it.
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- Author Richelle E. Goodrich
Take a step back. Life gets distorted when you examine things from too close up.
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- Author Richelle E. Goodrich
Nothing in this world compares to the comfort and security of having someone just hold your hand.
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- Author Richelle E. Goodrich
There are in this world ample reasons to be sad and disheartened, discouraged and fearful. But there are as many reasons not to be.
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- Author Richelle E. Goodrich
Personal problems appear big because we press our nose to the glass to observe them. This only serves to magnify our troubles. The problems of others we tend to view at a reasonable distance from the window, making their woes and bothers appear ordinary. Too bad we don't naturally take a few steps back before considering our own plight.
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- Author Richelle E. Goodrich
Five truly effective prescriptions to remedy a bad day. (You can't overdose.)—Pray; discuss your troubles with God.—List your blessings. (The blue sky, soft cookies, warm socks, etc.)—Call your mom.—Visit an animal shelter and hug a lonely cat.—Visit a nursing home and hug a lonely grandparent.
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- Author Richelle E. Goodrich
Closing your eyes won't make the awfulness go away. It may be that nothing will. But dwelling on it, dreading the evil, playing out the misery in your head - doesn't this feed the monster? You can't close your eyes to life, but you can choose where your gaze lingers.
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- Author Richelle E. Goodrich
Sometimes all you can do is hug a friend tightly and wish that their pain could be transferred by touch to your own emotional hard drive.
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- Author Richelle E. Goodrich
Life is hard and unfair. It is cruel and heartless, painful, trying, disappointing, unapologetic, and frequently downright awful. But that's not important. What's important is that through it all you learn how much you need your Heavenly Father and how much your friends need you.
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