1,120 Quotes by Richelle E. Goodrich about Richelle
- Author Richelle E. Goodrich
You were born and with you endless possibilities, very few ever to be realized. It's okay. Life was never about what you could do, but what you would do.
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- Author Richelle E. Goodrich
I have always felt that fear possesses such great power, enough to paralyze and quake an individual. Pondering this, I realized that the source of fear's power comes from within me. So, I ask myself, does that not make me the powerful one?
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- Author Richelle E. Goodrich
One of the most effective things you will ever do in life, whether you care to or not, is set an example.
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- Author Richelle E. Goodrich
Be nice. Be good. Be happy. If people everywhere were to keep to this simple creed, there'd be few problems left in the world to fret about.
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