24 Quotes by Robin McKinley about humor

"The Lone Ranger of vampires. Did that make me Tonto?"


"It's kind of interesting you're driving a car big enough for a wolfhound and a mastiff to get in the back of today," I said."And a greyhound, a dark brown bear, and a brindle utility vehicle," said Jill."Greyhounds don't take up much room," I said. "They're like dog silhouettes."


"The sheep, I guess demented with love, didn't object to this at all. Casimir somehow found time to pull up some grass for it, and it lay down and munched its grass and then chewed its cud like hanging out with dogs [...] was something it always did. Maybe it thought other sheep were boring and that it had finally found its spiritual home."


"Even Mongo liked him, although Mongo likes everybody. (Also Mongo was so thrilled with himsel for staying in the dog bed till I'd released him that nothing was going to blow his mood.)"


"How does a hundred-and-eighty-pound man turn into a ninety-pound wolf? Where does the leftover ninety go? Does he park it in the umbrella stand overnight?"


"Those single-track military minds never think to ask their cleaning staff for help in giant lethal marauding creature matters."


"There are always cats around Charlie's, but they are usually refugees seeking asylum from the local rat population, and rather desperately friendly."


"Majid gave me a brief dazzling golden stare and then half-lidded his eyes again. I know when my life is being threatened."


"No wonder he'd never really finished becoming one of us. We just thought it was because he was half Japanese, and lived in a huge house on the other side of town with a dad who was never home and who none of our parents had ever met. And possibly because he was an arrogant moody stuck-on-himself creepazoid And here he wasn't even a real gizmohead. He was just a grind. And a werewolf."


"Stop it. This is me, remember? We've been thrown up by the same puppies. - Ossin"
