7 Quotes by Ron Brackin about art

"The artist is the only one qualified to criticize his art, because only the artist knows what he was trying to express and how satisfied he is with the attempt."


"Art--music, painting, sculpture, dance, drama--opens doors to our soul, exposing our lives to whom or what we allow to enter."


"There's no such thing as great art or poor art. Art is subjective expression. As such, it can be judged only as popular or unpopular. What is banned in Boston may one day receive a million-dollar bid at Christie's. Art has, therefore, no use for critics but frequently finds itself amused by commentators."


"It is not sufficient for artistic expressions to serve as "signposts declaring what it is to be fully human." They should impart a vision of what it can be to become divine."


"The nature of a true seeker after beauty is to overlook flaws."


"Judging art is like caging a bird. Instead of seeing it soar, you can only watch it flutter."


"There's no such thing as good art or bad art. Art is popular or unpopular. What is banned in Boston may be bid on at Christie's."
