7 Quotes by Ron Brackin about love

"There's a big difference between being in the market for a mate and living with your purchase."


"It is impossible to love in vain. If you feel it was in vain, it was not love."


"If it is true, as God says, that we are as we think, we risk becoming what we most fear if our fear is stronger than our love."


"If sex is a skill, with its attendant expectations, frustrations, and failures, you are graded on performance; if it is an expression of love and commitment, you are not graded at all."


"Patience is not developed by being forced to wait in long lines or for long periods of time. Patience is a decision: to sit back rather than lean forward, to shift your weight from the balls of your feet to your heels. To settle your thoughts on now, to enjoy the journey, to give something or someone time to grow."


"We were created with the ability and the inclination to admire beauty. We should, however, do our best not to fall in love with it."


"Who but the Christian, among the religions of the world and throughout time, worships a God who loves him so much that he died an agonizing and wretched death to pay for his sins?"
