5 Quotes by Ron Brackin about writing
"Writing is a solitary occupation, except for Presidential speeches and sitcoms."
"I'm 68 years old, and somebody asked if I'm retired. I told him, "No, I'll still be writing long after I'm dead."
"Writers block occurs when a writer has nothing to say. Unfortunately not all writers experience it."
"We can read a good spiritual book in search of information or in search of God. We will find only what we're looking for."
"A curse of being a writer is the compulsion to edit. Take the sign on my walking trail, for example. It reads, 'Watered by well water.' One of these days, no matter how hard I try to resist, I just know I'm going to paint it out to read, 'Irrigated by well water.' If you don't get this, it's because you're not a writer."