241 Quotes by Roy T. Bennett about Optimism
- Author Roy T. Bennett
Keep your promises and be consistent. Be the kind of person others can trust.
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- Author Roy T. Bennett
Create your own miracles; do what you think you cannot do.
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- Author Roy T. Bennett
Learning to focus on the big picture will help you keep things in a proper perspective.
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- Author Roy T. Bennett
Keep your mind open. The meaning of things lies in how people perceive them. The same thing could mean different meanings to the same people at different times.
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- Author Roy T. Bennett
If you care about someone enough, you’ll always be there for them no matter what.
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- Author Roy T. Bennett
Nobody is exempt from the trials of life, but everyone can always find something positive in everything even in the worst of times.
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- Author Roy T. Bennett
Grateful people are happy people. The more things you are grateful for, the happier you will be.
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- Author Roy T. Bennett
We don’t truly appreciate what we have until it’s gone… We don’t really appreciate something until we have experienced some events; we don't really appreciate our parents until we ourselves have become parents. Be grateful for what you have now, and nothing should be taken for granted.
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- Author Roy T. Bennett
I admire those who do good and expect nothing in return.
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