264 Quotes by Roy T. Bennett about life
- Author Roy T. Bennett
Happiness depends on your mindset and attitude.
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- Author Roy T. Bennett
Change course, but don’t give up.
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- Author Roy T. Bennett
Smile more. Smiling can make you and others happy.
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- Author Roy T. Bennett
Difficulties and adversities viciously force all their might on us and cause us to fall apart, but they are necessary elements of individual growth and reveal our true potential. We have got to endure and overcome them, and move forward. Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever.
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- Author Roy T. Bennett
Do not be complacent about your achievements and not to strive for continual improvement when you get to the top. As soon as you let success go to your head, you sink into following familiar patterns and play it safe. In other words, you risk losing your edge.
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- Author Roy T. Bennett
Stop giving other people the power to control your happiness, your mind, and your life. If you don't take control of yourself and your own life, someone else is bound to try.
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- Author Roy T. Bennett
A smile puts you on the right track. A smile makes the world a beautiful place. When you lose your smile, you lose your way in the chaos of life.
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- Author Roy T. Bennett
You are in charge of your own happiness; you don't need to wait for other people's permission to be happy.
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- Author Roy T. Bennett
Perfectionism is the enemy of happiness. Embrace being perfectly imperfect. Learn from your mistakes and forgive yourself, you’ll be happier. We make mistakes because we are imperfect. Learn from your mistakes, forgive yourself, and keep moving forward.
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