16 Quotes by Søren Kierkegaard about Existentialism
- Author Søren Kierkegaard
I am poor—you are my riches; dark—you are my light; I own nothing, need nothing. And how could I own anything? After all, it is a contradiction that he can own something who does not own himself. I am happy as a child who is neither able to own anything nor allowed to. I own nothing, for I belong only to you; I am not, I have ceased to be, in order to be yours.” —Johannes De Silentio, from_Either/Or_
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- Author Søren Kierkegaard
Theology sits rouged at the window and courts philosophy's favor, offering to sell her charms to it.
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- Author Søren Kierkegaard
It is an infinite merit to be able to despair.
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- Author Søren Kierkegaard
هر گاه به من برچسب بزنی، من را نفی کرده ای.
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- Author Søren Kierkegaard
هر كس به قدر عظمت آن چه با آن زورآزمايى كرد بزرگى يافت:آن كس كه با جهان ستيز كرد با چيرگى بر جهان بزرگ شد؛و آن كس كه با خويشتن نبرد كرد با چيرگى بر خويشتن بزرگ شد؛امّا آن كس كه با خدا زورآزمايى كرد از همه بزرگ تر بود.
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- Author Søren Kierkegaard
Battle day and night against the guile of oblivion...
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- Author Søren Kierkegaard
To stand on one leg and prove God's existence is a very different thing from going on one's knees and thanking Him.
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