5 Quotes by Sally Rooney about dissociation
- Author Sally Rooney
A feeling of dissociation from his senses, an inability to think straight or interpret what he sees and hears. Things begin to look and sound different, slower, artificial, unreal. The first time it happened he thought he was losing his mind, that the whole cognitive framework by which he made sense of the world had disintegrated for good, and everything from then on would just be undifferentiated sound and colour.
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- Author Sally Rooney
Sometimes in the middle of the day she remembers something Jamie has said or done to her, and all the energy leaves her completely, so her body feels like a carcass, something immensely heavy and awful that she has to carry around.
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- Author Sally Rooney
The inside of her body seems to be gravitating further and further downward, toward the floor, toward the center of the earth.
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- Author Sally Rooney
Shame surrounded her like a shroud. She could hardly see through it.
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- Author Sally Rooney
Marianne's bones begin to feel very heavy, a familiar feeling. They are so heavy, a familiar feeling. They are so heavy she can hardly move.
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