12 Quotes by Sam Altman about thinking

"If you have several ideas that all seem pretty good, work on the one that you think about, when you're not trying to think about work."


"You also really want to take the time to think about how the market is going to evolve.You need a market that's going to be big in 10 years."


"Long term thinking is so rare anywhere, but especially in startups. This is a huge advantage if you do it."


"So it's worth some real up front time to think through the long term value and the defensibility of the business."


"Whatever the founder cares about, whatever the founders think are the key goals, that's going to be what the whole company focusses on."


"If you can just learn to think about the market first, you will have a big leg up on most people starting startups."


"As you grow, the productivity I think, goes down with the square of the number of employees if you don't make an effort."


"Most investors are obsessed with the market size today and they don't think about how the market is going to evolve."


"The single word that matters most I think to keep the company productive as it grows is alignment."


"You want to think about what is the path for my first 10 or 15 employees going to be as the company grows."
