8 Quotes by Sama Akbar about wisdom
- Author Sama Akbar
Debate to understand the other's point of view. Debating simply to defeat, is a sheer waste of time, pitting egos.
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- Author Sama Akbar
Don't go back, looking for closure. You moved on because you did not like where they had placed you on their list of priorities. You have already claimed the most dignified form of closure, for you.
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- Author Sama Akbar
Be fully committed to your projects; Do not marry them. Partnerships are made, between equals.
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- Author Sama Akbar
Don't burn the bridges you had built. Move on, but leave them there. You might be helping the next person who needs to crossover.
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- Author Sama Akbar
Ignoring life's gentle nudges is like stepping off the curb, onto oncoming traffic. Tempt fate to knock you down, and it will. Pay attention to what doesn't feel right. If it feels wrong, it usually is. Trust your gut. It is your God-given GPS.
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- Author Sama Akbar
Please heal that part of me that feels the need to rescue everyone I meet. I know that you watch over and take care of everyone.
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- Author Sama Akbar
Sadly, people who have a fear of abandonment, guard their emotions so much that they themselves, remain unavailable to others. Sometimes, when they feel strongly towards someone, often, they leave them, in the fear that they will inevitably be abandoned, sooner or later.
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- Author Sama Akbar
If you have something good in your life, cherish it, protect it, nurture it, allow it to grow. Don't wait until your garden starts to wither, to water it. It is wiser and easier to maintain than to repair. By the time the damage starts to show, there is every chance that it is too late for repairs.
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