4 Quotes by Sanchita Pandey about universe
- Author Sanchita Pandey
Love and purity of thoughts bring you closer to your dreams...it is true that thoughts become a reality when you put out into the universe more thoughts of love and appreciation.
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- Author Sanchita Pandey
The universe is always working in your favour. Just remember not to come in your own way due to your old belief system.
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- Author Sanchita Pandey
Each petal in the universe whispers in our ears that an unknown power is at work. If we align ourselves with this divine energy, offer our work to Him and move on in life, we will never have any worries and anxieties in our life.
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- Author Sanchita Pandey
Engrave beautiful and delightful thoughts in your mind. Forgive, let go, be good and keep positive. The Universe is after all a lovely place to be in and it will take care of you. It will bestow you with all the happiness that you can imagine because what you draw on the canvas of your mind, comes to picture.
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