62 Quotes by Sanober Khan about poets
- Author Sanober Khan
A single poemis worth a hundredcozy winter nightskind wordsand healed wounds.
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- Author Sanober Khan
It is kind of ridiculous that a poet is expected to live in the real world.
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- Author Sanober Khan
may this poetrybe the homeyou will someday come back to.
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- Author Sanober Khan
let me diefrom having being drunk onindigo skies, my liver...overflowing with stars.
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- Author Sanober Khan
If I began to drawmyself away from youwe’d still be liketwo mixed colors of paintimpossible to separate.
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- Author Sanober Khan
A poem in the heart is worthmore than a million dollarsin the bank account.
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- Author Sanober Khan
I live there...where the birds are infiniteeverywherewhere they fleeit's a place your eyes can wanderbut never seeWhere everyone accepts me,Without any pretenseIt's a place your mind can picturebut never really comprehend.
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- Author Sanober Khan
poetrymelts my bones.enters my blood.and changesits composition.
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