80 Quotes by Santosh Kumar (San) about god

"The greatest gift one can receive from god is craziness towards your goal, without it you can't succeed."


"Beliefs and hopes are stairs to meet God, have faith in God and he will be with you one day."


"God will create the path for you, all you need is faith and courage to walk alone."


"Dear God, I have been suggested by you the path I am walking on, and it seems like full of struggle but the energy and positivity you have added in me is appreciated, and I am simply walking and it is making me stronger day by day."


"Prayer to God helps us to fight every difficulty."


"Soul, nature and god are one in itself."


"Once you surrender yourself to God, you become calm, humble, kind."


"I have infinite potential, you have infinite potential, in fact everyone has infinite potential, and the only difference is that God has given us different characters to play and that what makes me and you."


"God loves you, and wants to heal you in every aspect of your life, wherever you are getting hated."


"God Advice: Be who you are and say what you truly seeing, because those who hate you will immediately create negativity and those who are with you will celebrate after all truth is always bitter."
