155 Quotes by Sarah J. Maas about feyre
- Author Sarah J. Maas
I needed not to be dead when I agreed.”“You needed not to be alone.
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- Author Sarah J. Maas
Why don’t you just hide in one of those pocket-realms for a bit?”“It doesn’t work like that. There’s no air there.” I gave him a look to say he should definitely do it then, and he laughed.
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- Author Sarah J. Maas
I frowned at the eye in my palm. "What, literally shout at the tattoo?""You could try rubbing it on certain body areas and I might come faster.
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- Author Sarah J. Maas
I came to claim the one I love.
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- Author Sarah J. Maas
I want to share this bed with you, though," I breathed. "I want you to hold me." Stars flickered to life in his eyes. "Always," he promised, kissing my brow, his wings now enveloping me completely. "Always.
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- Author Sarah J. Maas
So is this what you do with your lives? Spare humans from the Treaty and have fine meals?” I gave a pointed glance toward Tamlin’s baldric, the warrior’s clothes, Lucien’s sword.Lucien smirked. “We also dance with the spirits under the full moon and snatch human babes from their cradles to replace them with changelings–
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- Author Sarah J. Maas
You can leave if you're just going to insult me.""But I'm so good at it." He flashed one of his grins.
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- Author Sarah J. Maas
I had become the music and the fire and the night, and there was nothing that could slow me down.
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- Author Sarah J. Maas
—Porque cuando se escriban las leyendas, no quería que me recordarán como alguien que escurrió el bulto. Quiero que mi futuro hijo sepa que yo estuve ahí, que pelee contra Amarantha al final, aunque mis esfuerzos de poco sirvieran. Parpadeé, y esta vez no era por el brillo del sol. —Porque —continuó él, los ojos fijos en los míos— no queria que pelearas sola. O murieras sola.
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