249 Quotes by Scaylen Renvac about wisdom
"When you're thinking, tap your talons. It makes you seem more menacing. - The Malwatch"
"No pulling my tail. I'll burn you with it if you do. - The Malwatch"
"I love to fold my wings and fall. The plunge is exhilarating, even while knowing I can stop it at any time. - The Malwatch"
"Gentle winds will carry you to your destination as surely as strong ones. It may not be as quickly, but it will probably be a smoother ride. - The Malwatch"
"Two heartbeats aren't always better than one, especially when they aren't beating in sync with one another. - The Malwatch"
"I tore claws through my own wings once. I wanted to know what it was like to be unable to fly. I didn't enjoy the experience, of not flying that is. Shredding my own wings wasn't fun either. - The Malwatch"
"Keep your claws sharp. Better to have them ready and never need them than to remove them and need them to defend yourself. - The Malwatch"
"Have you ever tried wind dancing? - The Malwatch"
"If your tail's not on fire, you're not doing it right. - The Malwatch"
"You see the farthest when you strain your wings to land on the highest perch. - The Malwatch"