249 Quotes by Scaylen Renvac about wisdom

"You can never fly the same journey twice, because on the second flight, you'll be a different person with the memories of the first journey influencing you. - The Malwatch"


"You can't really appreciate how high you can fly until you've also realized how low you can fall. - The Malwatch"


"You don't have to grow horns to fight, but you should definitely grow some armor. - The Malwatch"


"You're only old when your dreams become dull. - The Malwatch"


"You shouldn't try to learn to fly by jumping off a cliff. Try gliding off a hill first, to make sure you've grown your wings. - The Malwatch"


"You succeed only a fraction of the number of times you make an attempt at something. To increase your chances of success, you must increase your number of attempts, which means also increasing the number of your failures. - The Malwatch"


"There are two sides to every wing and it's difficult to see both of them at the same time. - The Malwatch"


"Dreams are only manifested by actions. Simply wishing them to exist won't accomplish much. - The Malwatch"


"Sometimes helping hurts, and it isn't always you that gets hurt when it does. - The Malwatch"


"Sanity is in the eye of the beholder. Everyone sees a different fraction of reality around them. If you can't see the same part they do, they'll seem insane. - The Malwatch"
