249 Quotes by Scaylen Renvac about truth

"Not everyone contributes in the same way. Originators create new ideas, amplifiers spread those ideas, and supporters stabilize them to prevent them from fading out of existence. All are equally important roles, and without any one of them, the world would stagnate around us. - The Malwatch"


"Everything is an unknown, even the stuff that is known. - The Malwatch"


"Waking up from a dream can determine your mood for the day, so before you go to sleep, feed your mind the ingredients for a good one. - The Malwatch"


"Reality will change around you, whether you want it to or not. The only choice you have is whether you want to help decide how it gets changed. - The Malwatch"


"Saying something is taking an action and it can be as powerful as wielding a sword. - The Malwatch"


"Shedding and molting is merely the sloughing off of old ideas to allow new ones to grow in. - The Malwatch"


"Some people have no humor, because they know every joke at another's expense is born from a truth that causes pain. - The Malwatch"


"Springy feet make for easy running and soft landings. - The Malwatch"


"Stories of me are born in the winds under my wings, and they are as fleeting as the glimpses you catch of me. - The Malwatch"


"Take off from where you are, fly as far as you can and land wherever you end up. Then do it all again. - The Malwatch"
