249 Quotes by Scaylen Renvac about truth
"Treat a hatchling like the smaller adult you want them to be and they will grow into the role. - The Malwatch"
"Trust your instincts. They've been evolving longer than your intellect and are much more finely honed. - The Malwatch"
"Truth and lies both shape reality, but one brings stability and the other chaos. - The Malwatch"
"Use your wings often, or you'll forget how to fly. - The Malwatch"
"Watch the world with a dream eye. - The Malwatch"
"Watch where you walk or you'll step in a den of dreameaters. - The Malwatch"
"I grow spines when I'm sad. I don't like people trying to comfort me. It just makes me more upset. - The Malwatch"
"Befriend the ones who linger in the same dreams you do. They're often of like mind. - The Malwatch"
"The hearts and flowers type of love is an imaginary thing that people want to believe exists, so they pretend it does. The reality is love is usually messy and difficult and can often be unpleasant. It can make us do ugly things. That doesn't make it any less worth chasing after. - The Malwatch"
"I could not create my dreams faster than I would come up with ideas for new ones. - The Malwatch"