35 Quotes by Scott Stabile about Happiness
- Author Scott Stabile
I am continually coming back to the belief that I know nothing, or that there are much deeper places to go with what I think I know. It's liberating, actually. I don't think the biggest questions can be answered with any certainty. I'm becoming more and more peaceful not knowing.
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- Author Scott Stabile
I looked at my life and for the first time felt like I could hold it all. That I didn’t need to let go of anything in order to be whole. That even those things I’d been clinging to had a place in my freedom. That every single thing played its role.
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- Author Scott Stabile
Today is the perfect day to do something daring. Like just be yourself, for instance.
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- Author Scott Stabile
How much longer until we finally figure out how to be with one another?How many times do we have to play out this pain?I’m ready for something different.Aren’t you.
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- Author Scott Stabile
We can't really know what relationships will last or not last in our lives, romantic and otherwise. What we can do is give the best we've got to the relationships we've chosen for ourselves. We can show up with an open heart and mind, be grateful for the exchange of love, and trust in however these relationships evolve. We can also be grateful for the relationships that have ended, trusting that we received from them something important that has helped to move us farther along our paths.
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- Author Scott Stabile
I’m super fucking sensitive. I love this about myself only slightly more than I can’t stand it. Sometimes I wish I were an unfeeling stone who didn’t take everything so personally and didn’t need so much space all the time. Feeling can get exhausting fast. Mostly, though, I know my sensitivity is a superpower, perhaps my greatest, and it’s the thing that keeps me loving our world in a profound way, when I’m not too busy hiding from it, that is.
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- Author Scott Stabile
Who are you not to be yourself?
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- Author Scott Stabile
If people aren't able to see your magnificence that's their loss, not yours.
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