75 Quotes by Scott Stabile about Life
"You choose who gets your attention, and you don’t have to give it to anyone who makes you feel like crap. Period."
"We decide how much we want our past to be a part of our present.I stopped inviting the past into my life.It took the hint and stopped showing up."
"Sometimes I act like I have my shit together more than I do. Sometimes I act like I don’t have my shit together as much as I do. I’m done acting. I’d rather just be okay with however together my shit is at the time, and still do my best to show up, as I am."
"I don’t wish for more time. I wish for more courage to live freely right now."
"Option A:Spend your life trying to get others to accept you.Option B:Accept yourself, and spend your life with others who recognize what a beauty you are."
"What is true for you?What makes your heart smile?When do you feel most yourself?What do you love to do?Ask yourself these questions, and live your life, as best you can,in accordance with the answers.This is how you taste happiness.This is how you love yourself. This is how you grow."
"No matter what's going on, I keep coming back to the one intention that makes the most sense:Just love."
"After so many years struggling to keep up with you, I finally realized we’re not even running the same race."