12 Quotes by Sharon Salzberg about psychology
- Author Sharon Salzberg
Mindfulness isn't difficult, we just need to remember to do it.
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- Author Sharon Salzberg
Mindfulness helps us get better at seeing the difference between what’s happening and the stories we tell ourselves about what’s happening, stories that get in the way of direct experience. Often such stories treat a fleeting state of mind as if it were our entire and permanent self.
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- Author Sharon Salzberg
We can understand the inherent radiance & purity of our minds by understanding metta. Like the mind, metta is not distorted by what it encounters.
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- Author Sharon Salzberg
Equanimity can be hard to talk about.
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- Author Sharon Salzberg
The mind thinks thoughts that we don't plan. It's not as if we say, 'At 9:10 I'm going to be filled with self-hatred.
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- Author Sharon Salzberg
When emotions are long held and extremely complex, it sometimes takes years for them to enter fully into awareness.
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- Author Sharon Salzberg
All beings want to be happy, yet so very few know how. It is out of ignorance that any of us cause suffering, for ourselves or for others
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- Author Sharon Salzberg
Like water poured from one vessel to another, metta flows freely, taking the shape of each situation without changing its essence.
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- Author Sharon Salzberg
When we practice metta, we open continuously to the truth of our actual experience, changing our relationship to life.
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