76 Quotes by Sharon Salzberg about Buddhism

"Metta sees truly that our integrity is inviolate, no matter what our life situation may be. We do not need to fear anything. We are whole: our deepest happiness is intrinsic to the nature of our minds, and it is not damaged through uncertainty and change."


"With the practice of meditation we can develop this ability to more fully love ourselves and to more consistently love others."


"Meditation can be a refuge, but it is not a practice in which real life is ever excluded. The strength of mindfulness is that it enables us to hold difficult thoughts and feelings in a different way—with awareness, balance, and love"


"Buddha first taught metta meditation as an antidote: as a way of surmounting terrible fear when it arises."


"To relinquish the futile effort to control change is one of the strengthening forces of true detachment & thus true love."


"With attachment all that seems to exist is just me & that object I desire."


"We can understand the inherent radiance & purity of our minds by understanding metta. Like the mind, metta is not distorted by what it encounters."


"By practicing meditation we establish love, compassion, sympathetic joy & equanimity as our home."


"Our senses are often the gateway to our stories."
