76 Quotes by Sharon Salzberg about Buddhism
"As soon as we ask whether or not a story is true in the present moment, we empower ourselves to re-frame it."
"Until we begin to question our basic assumptions about ourselves and view them as fluid, not fixed, it’s easy to repeat established patterns and, out of habit, reenact old stories that limit our ability to live and love ourselves with an open heart."
"Living in a story of a limited self—to any degree—is not love."
"Identifying the source of our personal narratives helps us to release its negative aspects and re-frame it in ways that promote wholeness."
"The idea that traumatic residues—or unresolved stories—can be inherited is groundbreaking."
"The unconscious mind is a vast repository of experiences and associations that sorts things out much faster than the slow-moving conscious mind."
"Taking in another’s criticism, even when it’s offered out of love, requires courage."
"Buddhism has a term for the happiness we feel at someone else’s success or good fortune. Sympathetic joy, as it is known, invites us to celebrate for others."
"The manifestation of the free mind is said to be lovingkindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity."
"So often we operate from ideas of love that don’t fit our reality."