76 Quotes by Sharon Salzberg about Buddhism

"All beings want to be happy, yet so very few know how. It is out of ignorance that any of us cause suffering, for ourselves or for others"


"Like water poured from one vessel to another, metta flows freely, taking the shape of each situation without changing its essence."


"When we practice metta, we open continuously to the truth of our actual experience, changing our relationship to life."


"With mindfulness, loving kindness, and self-compassion, we can begin to let go of our expectations about how life and those we love should be."


"We can free ourselves from the old stories that have reduced us & allow real love for ourselves to blossom."


"Just as a prism refracts light differently when you change its angle, each experience of love illuminates love in new ways, drawing from an infinite palette of patterns and hues."


"To reteach a thing its loveliness is the nature of metta. Through lovingkindness, everyone & everything can flower again from within."


"Seeking is endless. It never comes to a state of rest; it never ceases."


"The secure attachment of Western psychology is actually akin to Buddhist non-attachment; avoid-ant attachment is the inverse of being mindful and present; and anxious attachment aligns with Buddhist notions of clinging and grasping."


"When we pay attention to sensations in our bodies, we can feel that love is the energetic opposite of fear."
