7 Quotes by Shelly Crane about caleb

"I saw something in you that I couldn't live without. I chose you, inside of me, and you chose me. It's not one sided, it only works when both people choose the other. You are perfect for me in every way."


"Because you are my significant, my soul mate. And I'm yours."


"His eyes opened and he smiled at me like he understood everything, like I was everything."


"But... we will always be drawn together. We'll always crave each other. We'll always be in tune with each other, physically and mentally. There is nothing that can change or break that. And even if there was, I wouldn't want to. Not for the world."


"I want him more than I need him."


"Everything we'll accomplish, we'll do it together or not at all."


"Caleb jerked me into the room and quickly shut the door as he flipped on the lights. “Well, that was just great,” he said sarcastically.“I’m sure she’s seen your cute behind before,” I told him as I went to my suitcase. “I’m sure she changed plenty of your diapers.” He grimaces. “I don’t want to think about it.” I just laughed at him more"
