26 Quotes by Shunya about Solitude
- Author Shunya
Solitude means dwelling in your uniqueness and originality which can't be shared with anyone else.
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- Author Shunya
A Yogi in solitude romances with life. The rays of sunlight falling on his skin have travelled millions of kilometers to meet him. What a passion!The food he has prepared has not been seen by anybody except him. What an intimacy! The pebble he has just thrown in river will never be seen by anybody ever again. What a heartbreak!
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- Author Shunya
Where there are people, there is a drama, a story, a circus. It doesn't matter if they are in a corporate office or a spiritual group.
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- Author Shunya
Anything that occupies your mind is your occupation. For some people quarreling is an occupation. They fear losing it more than a job-goer fears losing job. Because emptiness of mind is scarier than emptiness of stomach.
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- Author Shunya
There are some very ancient souls stuck here. In their previous births, they have been everything other people are trying to be. In this birth, they can't figure out what they should do. Their interests change everyday. Or nothing interests them at all. Only a life of solitude can give them stability.
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- Author Shunya
A turbulent state of mind is a necessity to do all the crazy things society is making you do. A peaceful mind can't do all this. Don't seek peace. Seek more turbulence if you want to continue with this madness.
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- Author Shunya
In a movie, dialogues take the story forward and background sounds give dramatic effect. So many people are saying so many things in your life. React to only those with whom you want to take your story forward. Regard the rest as background sounds.
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- Author Shunya
Your whole being is like a home. Everyone is allowed to come at the door, only a few in living room, fewer still in bedroom. And then there is a secret room where nobody is allowed. Not even your own mind.We are so obsessed with others that we mostly live at the door (outer appearance) or in living room (job, relationship and travel that we do to fit with others).
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- Author Shunya
If everybody is jumping into the well and you're unable to do it, that will become your problem. That's the definition of problem for human mind: Being left out from what everyone else is doing.
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