4 Quotes by Shunya about imagination
- Author Shunya
Right now you are in a scene in which the main character is reading these words. In the next moment, you may enter into some far away scene (Imagination). After sleeping, you move through many random scenes (Dreaming). So, you are not a fixed thing which enters in the body at birth and moves out at death. You are a thing which moves constantly from one scene to another, from one character to another.
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- Author Shunya
Mind creates division of dream and reality. To be free from this duality and merge with the one supreme truth, either realize that this so-called reality is also a dream or realize that the dreams are also a reality somewhere.
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- Author Shunya
Imagination is our hidden power to see the planes of existence that our eyes can't see. Use your imagination to disintegrate things into abstract forms and colours... and then watch them reintegrate. Sadly, people have stopped using their imagination and started using substances to have such heavenly experiences.
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- Author Shunya
Things coming into your sight are coming from nothingness and things going out of your sight are going into nothingness.
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