4 Quotes by Shunya about pleasure
- Author Shunya
You want to spend your day like an emperor and then sleep deeply like a labourer. That’s not possible in this world of dualities. Here definition of pleasure is relief from pain. Eternal bliss is found when you detach from both.
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- Author Shunya
Pain and pleasure are the same energy inside you. When it flows at a slow rate like sunlight in a morning winter, it's pleasure. When the flow rate goes beyond a threshold, it's pain.
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- Author Shunya
Movies, travel, restaurant etc are pleasure for you because they help you escape your routine life. Imagine the pain of people who have so much money that all this has become routine and unexciting for them. Addiction is the only thing left for them to escape the routine... addiction to money, sex, political power and substances .
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- Author Shunya
Both pain and pleasure pull you deeper into the illusion of Maya (Space-Time). But voluntary pain (like climbing a hill to reach a temple) and conscious pleasure (Tantra sex) take you inward.
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