136 Quotes by Shunya about wisdom
- Author Shunya
We can't see any object fully at once. When we see it from front side, the back side remains unseen and vice versa. One side always remains unseen to us at any given time.Every story also has two sides, be it your family drama or news stories served by media. Try to see both sides if you want the divine power of oneness on your side.
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- Author Shunya
Suppose there is a very hungry and weak dog. And then there is a healthy dog. If you go to feed them, which one is more likely to bite you? The hungry and weak one. Those who bark and bite you are actually in dire need of help. Don't curse them further. They are already cursed.
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- Author Shunya
When your mind fills with dark clouds of bad temper and the lightening of anger is about to strike, look for the shelter. Don’t run outside towards the target of your anger. The only shelter is inside you where your deity is smiling, where your higher self is shining.
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- Author Shunya
If you uncover yourself and find who you are, the universe will also uncover itself before you, If you try to forcefully uncover the universe without uncovering yourself, you will meet endless layers after layers of planets, stars, galaxies, black holes, dark matter and what not!
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- Author Shunya
Those who accept a situation find a way to get out of it. Those who try to run away from it suffer like a fly trapped inside a net.
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- Author Shunya
You see someone and think, 'What a perfect life they have." But that's your perspective. From their perspective, their life is a mess and someone else's life is perfect. So everybody is running. What a goddamn circus!
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- Author Shunya
When you're in a car, you remain still while the car moves. Similarly, when body-mind are working to reach some goal, your inner self should be still and peaceful in the present.
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- Author Shunya
The villains in your life are shadows of your own psyche. If you are trying to chase away your shadow, you are moving away from light.
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- Author Shunya
Cooking food creates some waste in kitchen. Eating it creates waste in body. Every action in life creates waste. Keep disposing it off. Holding onto it will make you sick.
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