318 Quotes by Shunya about hinduism
- Author Shunya
Laws of Karma dictate one person to give and other person to receive. The receiver is in no way inferior to the giver.
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- Author Shunya
There are a hundred layers of dust and you are saying, 'This layer is mind, this layer is soul. I want to remove this and save this.' No. All of it is mind. All of it has to go. You have to go. What will remain is the divine you.
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- Author Shunya
You were like raw gold. Somebody threw you into fire. You are molten gold now. You are in the middle of transformation. Come to me. I will cast you into a beautiful shape. That is the only way to forget the one who threw you into fire.
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- Author Shunya
Earth is 4.5 billion years old. In all these years, what all must have been in the very room where you are now: all birds, animals, trees, mountain, sand, fires, storms, ocean. And before Earth, cosmic dust and vacuum. Basically your room is eternity. You are in the lap of eternity.
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- Author Shunya
Where did the past go? Where is the future right now? Where did the present come from?
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- Author Shunya
A door can either free you or imprison you. Every single thing is like a door. For some people even sex became door of liberation and for some even holy books became door of imprisonment.
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- Author Shunya
Start a love affair with the universe and it will show you the secret hues and colours and patterns that it never shows to others.
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- Author Shunya
Suppose you identify yourself as a scientist. One day you realize that you have to cross the domain of science to find truth. Will you let go of your identity as a scientist? No. We tend to cling to our identity. We twist the truth to preserve our identity. It's true for everyone. Someone who identifies himself as a Shiva devotee would rather preserve his identity than merge with Shiva.
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- Author Shunya
To pray for the situation to change, you must first accept the situation. Otherwise it will be your wishful thinking, not a prayer. Acceptance is the very foundation of prayer.
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