318 Quotes by Shunya about Hinduism

  • Author Shunya
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    Take a child from any part of the world. Keep him away from religious texts and imagery. Just teach him meditation. As he evolves spiritually, the first thing he will see in meditation will be a Yogi whose head is adorned by a crescent moon (Shiva). Pictures of Hindu gods are based on experience of Yogis, not imagination of artists.

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  • Author Shunya
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    A movie is keeping your mind stimulated 24-7. Characters of this movie are your neighbors, relatives, colleagues, celebrities, politicians. And don’t blame media or internet for this It’s been happening since ages. Maybe the pace was slow in old times but so were the minds.Nobody is forcing you to watch this movie. But the urge is so strong that your clever mind is inventing fancy excuses to keep watching it: “Justice”. “Social Activism”, “Political awareness.

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