22 Quotes by Shunya about belief

  • Author Shunya
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    Continuous rains flooded a village. It seemed that everyone will drown. A priest lived in a hill temple nearby. He was getting pleasure in this destruction. He was gleefully wishing, 'May all the sinners die.' A cloud burst on the hill. He died. Villagers remained safe. Perhaps his wish came true.

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  • Author Shunya
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    Like all paths, spiritual or religious path is also spiral. You may be going downwards or upwards. Many spiritual/religious people pick up more and more dark crap every day (ideas, theories, systems, crazy groups etc.) and sink under its weight. You are going upwards only if you're letting go of things and getting lighter each day. At one point, you have to let go of gods and scriptures too.

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  • Author Shunya
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    If you were transported 500 years back in time and told them about mobile phones, they would call you mad and kill you. Even if you are an engineer, you wouldn’t be able to prove to them that mobile phones are real. They only understand clay and fire.Today when people say they can see things that you can’t see, you call them mentally ill. Don’t disregard experiences of others no matter how different they are from yours. Space-Time is infinite. Even things you can’t imagine exist inside it.

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