29 Quotes by Shunya about Attachment
"If your one Rupee is pending with a shopkeeper, you would go to that shop again even if you have to spend 10 Rupees fuel. Same thing happens in relationships. If you have invested a few precious moments in someone, it becomes very difficult to leave. This is how Maya (Space-Time) keeps a soul attached birth after birth."
"You are holding a cactus plant in your hand. You are bleeding and cursing the cactus but not letting go of it. Cactus is not hurting you. Your own attachment with the cactus is hurting you."
"Don't show so much attachment to someone that they start lying to keep your heart."
"People who claim to love you swear that they can die for you, but they won’t let you live in peace."
"You see a woman showing immense affection to her child and her dog. Then you see the same woman hating others' children and eating other animals. These kind of people have no love inside them. They are just soul-less bags of flesh and blood that react to external stimulants."
"Many old souls are stuck here because of their attachment to the ancient past. Some are directly attached: For them religion is all about nostalgia of ancient times. Others are indirectly attached: They despise the ancient past. They must have seen the dark side of religion in their previous births. So now they call themselves spiritual, not religious."
"You browse through Netflix or Hotstar to find something interesting to watch. At last, you end up watching your favourite show that you have already watched several times. This world is also a show. But there are many such shows available in parallel realms. When you go to sleep here, your soul browses through the list of other shows, watches a few teasers, but at last comes back to this show because it is attached to the characters of this show."
"Love and hate both are attachments. If you love apple and hate orange, life will give you such a hybrid of apple and orange that you will neither be able to eat it nor throw it. So, don’t let your dislikes turn into hate."
"When you are attached to things and people, you are the only one to take care of them. When you get detached, your identity expands and higher powers manifest through you to take care of them."
"Imagine two trees standing some distance apart. They can either meet by bending towards each other or by extending their roots towards each other. Attachment happens at the surface. Love happens at the roots of your being."