148 Quotes by Shunya about Soul

  • Author Shunya
  • Quote

    In a movie, when a character receives a letter, she reads it aloud for the audience. Other characters of the movie can’t know the secret, but she tells it to the audience.Be the audience if you want to know the deepest secrets of the universe. Be the audience if you want to make sense of what is happening around you. Your character is the doer while your soul is the audience. Be at the level of soul more often.

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  • Author Shunya
  • Quote

    If you are arguing with somebody, the root of that argument lies in an inner wound that person gave you. You can’t show that wound because of the fear of being judged or labelled.So, you create an outer wound at some small thing and start arguing in the hope of rubbing some ice to your inner wound. This leads to more wounds - inner and outer.

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