20 Quotes by Shunya about liberation
"Suppose you're inside a room and the room starts moving with you. If you take one step, room also moves one step. How will you get out of it? (Your mind is like that room)."
"Mind is like an addictive smartphone. When it hangs (due to emotional turmoil, moral dilemma etc.), it is an opportunity to be free from it."
"Be it a happy song or a sad song, you don't think about its end while listening to it. Inner journey is like a song. Yes, it will end. But if you are thinking about the end, you haven't tuned into the song yet."
"Your mind is a net. It can catch flies (worldly information). It can catch butterflies (spiritual knowledge), But it can’t catch the fragrance (Supreme Truth)."
"The ship of spirituality or religion is not going anywhere. Eventually you must jump out of it into nothingness.Only an individual can jump, not a group. Groups are nothing but people huddled together because of fear of nothingness."
"Time and Space is a restaurant where you have to pay with the currency of Karma to eat a dish (experience). You can't exit it unless you spend all your Karma. The catch is that every time you spend Karma, you get a cashback of Karma. So you can never fully spend Karma."
"Once you surrender to the universe, everything you do will take you nearer to liberation, nearer to God. That alone is good Karma for you. There is no absolute list of good and bad Karmas."
"People no longer have 'disease'. Now they have 'health issues' that can be managed if they regularly visit hospitals. The system doesn't solve problems. It uses fancy terms to normalize and regularize them and makes them part of economy."
"Peaceful and graceful exit from life is second best thing that can happen to a human being. The best is of course enlightenment."
"Treat the entire external world - thoughts, things and people - as a single unit, a single person. Her name is Maya. You, the soul, are in a unique relationship with her. For any happy relationship, space is important. So, leave her alone once in a while. In other words, meditate!"