72 Quotes by Shunya about zen

"When you started the journey of this life, you learned your mother tongue so as to communicate with the external world. Even before that you knew a language that you have been using since eternity. It’s your Divine-mother tongue: Silence. Use it to communicate with the divine."


"When you listen to the sound of waves at the beach, you feel relaxed because your mind doesn’t have to agree, disagree or judge that sound.Human beings are nothing but waves of five elements. Why does your mind go in overdrive when their sounds fall in your ear? You will feel tremendously relaxed when you stop agreeing. disagreeing or judging every human sound that falls in your ears."


"What would the doctors do if there were no patients? What would politicians do if there were no social problems? What would humanitarians do if there were no inhumanity? The opposite sides that seem to be fighting each other actually depend on each other, define each other, thrive with each other."


"You buy a personal jet. It's good. But soon you realize that it has a huge maintenance cost. Now you can't decide whether to keep it or sell it. This is Maya. Everything in Maya has huge maintenance cost."


"There is a veil between you and God. Thoughts are like embroidery on that veil. People are doing more and more embroidery on your veil and making it more and more obscure."


"There are no exams in playschool. If you are tired of exams and tests life is throwing at you, make your life like a book from playschool: Less words, more pictures. Less conclusions, more stories. Less meaning, more poetry. Less interpretations, more direct experiences."


"There is an emptiness inside us. If we look at it from outside, we feel painful loneliness. If we sit inside that emptiness and look outside, we experience blissful solitude."


"When you know that you are not in control, everything will feel under control. When you are in the illusion that you are in control, everything will go out of control and you will struggle to maintain your illusion."


"Peacock is dancing.” These words can’t show you the dance that I am seeing right now. They can only invoke your past memory when you had seen a peacock dancing.Words always keep you in the past or future. Only silence can let you enjoy the present."


"Every time you feel sad, you become a little silent Now your mind has started associating silence with sadness. Be silent when you are happy. When mind starts associating silence with happiness, going into meditative silence becomes easier."
