29 Quotes by Shunya about Attachment

"If the attempt to get rid of something is leading you towards more darkness, that thing has become your shadow. Just accept it. First it will stop bothering you, then it will stop affecting you, then it will stop existing for you."


"Sunrise and sunset are beautiful moments but you can't hold them. Let things move. There will be more sunrises and sunsets."


"A man carries around a stick to protect himself from street dogs. He doesn't realize that the stick is the reason why dogs become suspicious of him and bark at him.This circle of absurdity is behind every deep attachment (not love). We get attached to those who solve the problems that they indirectly cause in the first place."


"I forgive you.’ This statement suggests attachment. If you have forgiven someone to close their chapter from your life, you won’t feel the need of saying it to them. They will just stop existing for you."


"When you're attached to a player or team, it enhances your experience of watching the game. But too much attachment gives you pain. God doesn't give you pain. Your own attachment does."


"Attachment hurts you, detachment heals you back. At the end of the cycle, you are no longer the same person. This entire cyclic process is love. It evolves you. Attachment alone is not love."


"Most people don’t want solution of their problem. When someone rants about their problem, imagine someone sitting in a cinema hall and ranting about the villain. They are fully engrossed in this endless movie since many births."


"A farmer used to leave breadcrumbs for a white mouse which lived in a hole under a tree. After the farmer died, the mouse was also dying of starvation. Then a bird enlightened him, “O fool!The wheat crop is flourishing all around you. There is so much to eat."


"Love is pure like rain falling from the sky. Attachment is like rainwater stored in the pit of possessiveness."
