25 Quotes by Shunya about Eternity
- Author Shunya
No statement is true. Silence is the only truth. But to guide you towards eternal silence, a Guru has to make statements. Some Gurus make sensational statements to awaken people because people are deep sleep on the couch of their belief systems.
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- Author Shunya
Communication between me and you will happen in 4 stages: 1. We will talk about other people and things. 2. We will talk about each other. 3. There will be no 'about'. There will be just me and you and silent communication. 4. There will be no me and no you. There will be eternity. Come, o familiar stranger! Let's communicate.
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- Author Shunya
There is chaos all around and you are looking for oneness and unity. Most of you're sticking with a unit called body which hardly lasts 100 years, or to units such as family, cast, religion, country or humanity. Humanity is the largest of them which lasts a few thousand years. That is nothing compared to the eternal oneness, the unit that lasts forever. Find that!
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- Author Shunya
Why did you choose the path you chose? Ask this question to those who have found God. They will reply, "I had no other option, no luxury to judge right-wrong, good-bad. I went wherever the universe took me. When there is an option, mind always chooses convenience.
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- Author Shunya
Some people are like echo. They will always have the last word in an argument, Even if you tell them that they are like echo, they will retort. Finally you have to settle for silence.Not just some people but the entire Space-Time is an echo chamber of duality. When you realize this, you settle for the eternal silence.
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- Author Shunya
Have you heard the sound of knife cutting through apple? Have you felt touch of water when you wash your face? No. Because while doing these things you are already thinking of something in future. To be in the present you have to be fully sensitive to your surrounding. More sensitive you are, closer you are to the eternal bliss.
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- Author Shunya
The journey to meet Shiva is difficult. You may have to wash dishes in roadside eateries, spend nights at railway stations, disappoint your parents and loved ones who are in grip of Maya. 1 in a million undertakes that journey. Others just become part of fan groups and get intoxicated on songs and substances.
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