75 Quotes by Shunya about awakening
- Author Shunya
When you collapse, shatter, completely fall apart, and have no power left to even pray or hope, you will find yourself sitting in the lap of Supreme Power. Until then you will keep chasing illusions.
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- Author Shunya
If you can perceive something with all your 5 senses, you call that thing real. If you still doubt it, senses say, "Ask other people. They can confirm that what you see is real."But those other people are also being perceived by you through your 5 senses only. Who will confirm that they are real? You can be sure only about your own existence. Others may be just an illusion.
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- Author Shunya
Your body is like a kite. The space around you is the turbulent sky through which it is fluttering It is going where the wind of thoughts takes it. Leave this kite here. Don’t fight with the wind either.Just descend deep inside you and find your inner ground. Get hold of the string of awareness. It’s a magical string. You just have to watch the kite “and it will get out of the turbulent sky.
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- Author Shunya
Best charity is to give yourself away to the universe. Let the universal intelligence direct your actions.
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- Author Shunya
We seek the punchline in a joke, moral in a story, summary in an essay, fragrance in a flower and so on. We seek essence in each and every thing . Why don't we seek essence of the universe as a whole? That essence is nothingness.
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- Author Shunya
I' can't get enlightenment. 'I' is the baggage to enlighten from.
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- Author Shunya
If you turn on a powerful torch at one end of our galaxy, its light will reach the other end in 2,00,000 years. Your mind just read this fact but couldn't sink it in. If scientists sink in the facts they discover, they will either go mad or become monks.
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- Author Shunya
You will get it when you can handle it.
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- Author Shunya
There have been countless uneducated saints. Don't be so proud of your education. It only creates a rigid model of the universe in your head and traps you in it.
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