318 Quotes by Shunya about hinduism
- Author Shunya
Why there is so much violence and suffering in the world? This question burns in the hearts of all kind and peace loving people. But most people satisfy themselves with the readymade answers given by opinion makers, social activists, Karma theorists and so on. Prince Siddhartha Gautama went deeper to find answers and found the absolute truth.
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- Author Shunya
You don't react to the sounds coming from waves of water. Then why do you react to the sounds coming from waves of five elements (human beings)?
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- Author Shunya
When you see something, your mind rushes to put labels on it: table, chair, good, bad etc. Sacred space is a space where your mind doesn't feel need to label anything. It relaxes, allowing you to go inward. That space can be sea shore, forest, mountain, beloved's arms or a temple. For awakened ones, every inch is sacred.
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- Author Shunya
Body-mind seems like a movie character and life becomes enjoyable like a movie when you (soul) slightly detach from body-mind. That detachment can't be forced. It happens like a ripe fruit detaching from tree. To become ripe, surrender and let the universe take you through certain life experiences.
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- Author Shunya
Yogic gestures or Mudras create very subtle ripples in your body. You can't feel them if there is already a storm going on in your body-mind.
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- Author Shunya
If you take spirituality/religion as a classroom, the syllabus is infinite. There is no end to symbolism, concepts, explanations, definitions. But you have to let go of all this if you wish to experience that which can't be symbolized, conceptualized, explained or defined.
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- Author Shunya
People often think, "The day I become free from everything, I will take the spiritual path." That day never comes in their life. First take the spiritual path. Then and only then you will become free from everything one by one.
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- Author Shunya
No matter what you achieve in this material world, at the end it all feels like a movie watched in the distant past.
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- Author Shunya
The universe is dark and infinite. Then how come this little scene happening before me so vibrant with colours, shapes, patterns, sounds, sensations? This childlike wonder will keep you in eternal bliss. On the other hand, human characters and stories will give you highs-lows, pain-pleasure, hope-fear, stress-release and so on.
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