46 Quotes by Shunya about vedanta
"If all cards were same, there would be no game. When you start seeing the one supreme power in everything and everyone, the game of Maya (Space-Time) is over."
"Mind can't go inward. It can only go in opposite direction- from pleasure to pain, from chaos to discipline."
"Imagine that a scientist creates a human clone in a lab based on the genes of a real man called Raghu. It looks exactly like Raghu. Through virtual reality (VR), its mind is fed with experiences and memories of Raghu so that now it believes that it is Raghu. Now both of them -Raghu and the clone - behave exactly the same way. They cry on same things, laugh on same things. How would you find out which one of them has a soul?"
"The journey to know the “I” is called inward journey. Whether you are studying galaxies or blackholes or quantum particles, never forget that your purpose is to know the “I”, not what the “I” is seeing.Watch “I” changing its location. When you are eating delicious meal “I” is body. When you are reading book, “I” is mind. Who is watching mind? Another partition of mind. When you keep watching “I”, you will realize that “I” is “nothingness” and it just gets attached things like body or mind."
"Imagine you are passing by a roadside gambling stall. There is an operator surrounded by some audience members who are gambling their money and winning. You get interested and place your bet. You lose your money. Later you realize that the operator and the audience were all part of the same gang.Give it a thought: Maybe the things you like and things you dislike are part of the same conspiracy? They are just putting on a show to keep you engaged. You are the only real audience of this show."
"I am Paramatma, the supreme soul Playing the role of a spiritual seeker, I am searching myself. Playing the role of an atheist, I deny my existence. Playing the role of a spiritual activist, I think that I am enlightened and others are ignorant. Playing the role of an ignorant, I want to get enlightened.I am in all the roles. In the role of somebody who will read these words, I will now think why I am playing all these roles?"
"Love is when you see a person as a person."
"In a few decades, perhaps people will get attached to social media profiles just like you are attached to your body mind now.Then Gurus will have to remind them, “Profile is nothing but some pictures and data stored in servers owned by social media companies. You don’t own it. You just access it. Don’t bother about likes and followers. You are not a profile. you are a body-mind!"
"Suppose your name is Paramatma and you are watching a movie. The character suddenly starts calling your name! He wants to come out of the screen and meet you. What would you suggest him?You'd say, "Watch your character like I am watching you. Soon you will realize that you are sitting beside me. Or perhaps, you are me!"