42 Quotes by Shunya about faith
- Author Shunya
God, the world seen through the glasses of my limited understanding no longer interests me. I surrender my questions, my answers, my theories, my opinions, my beliefs. Fill me with awe. Overwhelm me with your wonders.
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- Author Shunya
Once you have invested some time and energy on a path, you no longer want to know the right path. You just want assurance that your path is the right path.
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- Author Shunya
The strength of a belief depends on the stories woven around it. Once you have woven enough stories around your belief, even God can't get you out of it.
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- Author Shunya
Without seeing a miracle you can't have faith. Without faith you can't have miracle. The answer to this paradox is gratitude. Be grateful that you're alive. It's a miracle.
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- Author Shunya
A devotee reached at the door of God with nothing but a bowl full of pain and problems. She stood there holding that bowl for days with just one thought in mind. “Take away my pain, God.”Then the realization hit her: Nothing is mine so how could the bowl of pain be mine? She dropped the bowl. With that, her whole identity dropped into nothingness. What emerged out of nothingness was a new version of her, free of pain and full of bliss.
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- Author Shunya
A leaf fell from the tree, trembled with fear, and prayed, “Cod, stitch me back to the tree.” God didn’t seem to listen. So it befriended air, which took it far away from the tree.Another leaf accepted the fall without fear. It turned into compost and entered back in the roots of the tree. It rose through the tree and became a new leaf in next season. It got “stitched” back to the tree!
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- Author Shunya
Juvenile lover’s mind imagines, “The one I love is in danger. I go and save her. She falls in love with me.” The beginner devotee’s mind imagines, “Some lowlife disrespects my deity. My deity is in danger. I go and fight for my deity. He blesses me.
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- Author Shunya
Give and take is the way of the world. But when you give something with compassion and take something with gratitude, you are away from the world and nearer to the supreme power.
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- Author Shunya
Faith has the power to turn A into B. But there is an important step involved: First A vanishes into nothingness and then B emerges out of it. This step requires you to be free of all worldly knowledge, which is nothing but opinions of human race.
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