46 Quotes by Shunya about vedanta
"Draw some dashes on a paper. Now mentally try to create a line by joining two of more dashes. Did you do it? Where is the line you just created? It’s in your mind. It has no existence except in your mind.The relationship between you and the line you just created is same as the relationship between the supreme soul (Paramaatma) and soul. The souls have no separate existence."
"It's like a play being enacted in a dark theater. You have brought your own torch to watch it. You should be able to walk out without feeling bad because the play is not dependent on your torch."
"How do gods help so many people at the same time? Because they don’t have to do anything except being who they are. You have to tune yourself to get their help.Dance like Shiva to allow His energy to flow through you. Rest like Vishnu for receiving His energy, be creative like Brahma, be playful like Krishna, be egoless like Hanuman and so on. If you keep worrying, only demonic energies will flow through you."
"Krishna’s maternal uncle Kansa is a symbol of society that starts conditioning your mind as soon as you take birth. You have been born and brought up in the prison of society. Krishna’s parents were imprisoned but they made sure that Krishna was brought up in freedom where he could discover His real self."