64 Quotes by Shunya about nothingness
- Author Shunya
You don't know God because you know too much 'about' Him. A baby knows his mother even though he knows nothing 'about' her.
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- Author Shunya
Mind is like a net that can catch many things. Supreme truth is the fragrance it can never catch.
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- Author Shunya
If Goddess appears before you, what will you do? Your body-mind might do something, not you. You will discover that you are nothingness. You don't do anything. You remain in the eternal state of being.
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- Author Shunya
No statement is true. Silence is the only truth. But to guide you towards eternal silence, a Guru has to make statements. Some Gurus make sensational statements to awaken people because people are deep sleep on the couch of their belief systems.
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- Author Shunya
If you read a few books, you will arrive at an ideology and call it truth. If you read the whole library, you will say that alphabets are the only truth; one can write anything with them and believe in it. And when you realize that every language has different alphabets, you will say that even alphabets are not truth. Then you will have the supreme experience of nothingness.
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- Author Shunya
Be someone who has nothing. Then everything you have will feel like a luxurious gift. Even better, be someone who doesn't even have a body. Then every touch and every visual offered by the body will feel heavenly.
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- Author Shunya
Like a 3D movie fills you with wonder, ordinary things fill you with wonder when you imagine them rising from a 2D drawing, or better, from 0D or nothingness.
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- Author Shunya
You are deep inside the jungle of Space and Time. Your job, relationships, physical well-being hobbies, adventures etc. are like sweet and sour fruits, vegetables and leaves. You are not able to enjoy them because you are thirsty of water, i.e. nothingness.
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- Author Shunya
The river that washes all your sins is flowing inside you. Every time you go inward and take a dip into the river of nothingness, a new version of you emerges out of it.
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