72 Quotes by Shunya about zen

"Be someone who has nothing. Then everything you have will feel like a luxurious gift. Even better, be someone who doesn't even have a body. Then every touch and every visual offered by the body will feel heavenly."


"Nothingness is the source of everything. It is the magical pot from which you can get never ending supply of anything. But everytime you want something from it, you have to lose yourself into it. Then a new version of you will come out of it along with the thing you wanted."


"Suppose a Sun many times brighter than our Sun comes up in the sky. After we get used to its light, it goes away. Then our Sun will feel like moon to us and what we call as “light” will seem like darkness. So light and darkness are relative terms. Darkness is just less light."


"Most people don’t want solution of their problem. When someone rants about their problem, imagine someone sitting in a cinema hall and ranting about the villain. They are fully engrossed in this endless movie since many births."


"Enlightenment is death before death, death of everything you are not. And a seeker's journey is like a soldier climbing a hilltop in the shower of bullets, not like a tourist trekking a hill."


"Everybody is trying to put clothes of their own size on the Eternal Truth."


"A scientist is more doubtful of his theories than the science teacher who teaches those theories. A Guru is more doubtful of his words than his followers because he knows that everything except silence is a corruption of truth."


"There is a beautiful custom in India: On her first Makar Sakranti after marriage, the bride pretends to awaken her in-laws who pretend to be deep asleep. Similar thing happens between the Guru and seekers. God inside seekers is pretending to be deep asleep. God inside Guru pretends to awaken them. It's all a divine play."


"Pencil breaks when you sharpen it fully. A student who wants to write only after fully sharpening the pencil will never be able to write. He will waste whole pencil in sharpening."


"When you say “Don’t judge”, you are judging those who judge. To say “Be Silent” to yourself, you have to break your silence. The thought of “being thoughtless” is there even when you are thoughtless.Spiritual truths can’t be practiced at mind level. You have to discover something deeper than the mind which is already non-judgemental, silent and thoughtless, Jo"
