14 Quotes by Sibylla Matilde about Devin

  • Author Sibylla Matilde
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    Well, now I need you to kiss me. Make out with me. Otherwise she’ll know I was full of shit and start hittin’ on me again.”“You want me to slut it up with you so you don’t look like an asshole to some little ho-bag you’re trying not to nail? You know, Ronin, you could just tell her you’re not interested.”“I like my way better,” he grinned.

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  • Author Sibylla Matilde
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    We were nothing special. We were never meant to last. We're friends, remember? Nothing more.

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  • Author Sibylla Matilde
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    Here, honey," he said quietly, handing her the panties he'd untangled from her dress. "I'll be good, but it might not be a bad idea to put these back on.

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  • Author Sibylla Matilde
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    He wanted her. Sweet Jesus, he wanted her. But he had realized in that very moment that he wanted her whole even more.

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  • Author Sibylla Matilde
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    Where’s Melanie, asshole? Does she know you’re up here?”Jake’s expression flitted between anger at Ronin’s crude address and fear of the bigger man’s obvious anger with him. “She’s in the backyard, with some friends.”Ronin’s jaw clenched. “I suggest you go find your girlfriend, then.”“Devin’s in there. She’s upset,” Jake said without thinking.“I know that, fucker. Why the hell do you think that is? GET. THE. FUCK. AWAY.

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  • Author Sibylla Matilde
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    Ronin had tried desperately to be smart about it all. He really, really tried. He knew she was absolutely plowed. He knew she would probably hate him in the morning. He knew with every fiber of his should that giving into the passion she evoked was a bad idea.But good God, he wanted her.

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  • Author Sibylla Matilde
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    ...he softly touched his lips to hers. Sweetly. Innocently.“Ronin,” she drew in a short, stilted breath. The ache in her body was reaching a tortuous level.“I know. I’m sorry.” Ronin studied her closely before he softly said, “Had to.

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